Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Breakfast with Santa

 Saturday, November 5, we were so excited to get to attend the second annual Breakfast with Santa at Crieve Hall! It is put on by several of the families at Crieve Hall, and they did such a great job! It was more than what I was expecting and thought of everything, from seeing Santa Clause, singing Christmas carols, breakfast, crafts, goodie bags, all the way to a wishlist for every child to fill out and place in Santa's mailbox! Tinley had so much fun, and of course, got to see one of her favorite people at Crieve Hall, Santa, a.k.a. Mr. Dick Brackett! It was such a wonderful morning and a great start to the Christmas season!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Tinley's 1st Fall!

Having a baby gives us lots of reasons to get out and do more fall festivities. This year we hosted a halloween party, went to the Walden Farm, participated in Trunk or Treat at Crieve Hall church, and went to the Franklin Pumpkinfest! Great reasons for dressing her up and taking lots of pictures together!!!

Let me catch you up!

Michael and I met at Crieve Hall Church of Christ. He asked me out two weeks later, and we've been together since! We dated for 8 months, then got engaged, and 4 months later, we were married!